Selected articles in peer reviewed journals
Parental Risk Preferences, Maternal Bargaining Power, and the
Educational Progressions of Children: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence from
Rural Cˆote d’Ivoire (with A. Basu, M. Gbakou and R. Viennet), Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 2023
Intra-household bargaining in Ivory Coast: Experimental evidence from rural areas (with A. Basu, E. Abou and R. Viennet). A version in French is forthcoming in Revue d’économie du développement, 2022
Crop choice, drought and gender: New insights into smallholders’ response to weather shocks in Uganda (with P. Agamile and J. Golan), Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021
Performance of large scale irrigation projects in sub-Saharan Africa (lead author: T. Higginbottom; co-authors: T. Foster, R. Adhikari and S. Redicker), Nature Sustainability, 2021
The political economy of child labor. Handbook of labor, human resources and population economics:2021
Entrepreneurship: structural transformation, skills and constraints. (with K. Pela), Small Business Economics, 2018
Is women’s ownership of land a panacea in developing countries? Evidence from land owning households in Malawi (with S. Bhaumik and I. Gang). Journal of Development Studies, 2016
Off-farm labor supply and correlated shocks. New theoretical insights and evidence from Malawi. (with S. Gangopadhyay, K. Michaelowa and A. Weber). Economic Development and Cultural Change, 63, 361-391, 2015
The impact of food and economic crises on diet and nutrition (with I. Gang, D. Hoffman and P. Gbakou), Journal of Development Studies, 2014
Remittances and chain migration: longitudinal evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina (with F.C. Wolff), Journal of Development Studies
The global food crisis: disaster, opportunity or non-event? (with P. Gbakou), World Development, 46, 185-196, 2013
Good and bad institutions: is the debate over? Cross-country firm level evidence from the textile industry. (with S. Bhaumik). Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38(1), 109-126, 2013
Does human capital endowment of FDI recipient countries really matter? (with S. Bhaumik), Review of Development Economics, 17(3), 559-570, 2013
Do downward private transfers enhance maternal labor supply? (with F.C. Wolff), Journal of Population Economics, 24(3), 911-933, 2011
Allocation of labor in urban West Africa. Insights from the pattern of labor supply and skill premiums (with C. Nordman and F. Roubaud). Review of Development Economics, 14(1), 74-92, 2010
Upstream transfers and the donor’s labour supply. Evidence from migrants living in France (with F.C. Wolff), The Manchester School, 77(2), 204-244, 2009
Are private transfers poverty and inequality reducing? (with F.C. Wolff), Journal of Comparative Economics, 36(4), 584-598, 2008
Grandchild care transfers by ageing immigrants in France: Intra-household allocations and labour market implications (with F.C. Wolff), European Journal of Population, 24(3), 315-340, 2008
Self-selection and wages during volatile transition (with I. Gang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(3), 612-619, 2007
Special Issues in journals:
Understanding the links between labour and development (co-edited with Christophe. Nordman), European Journal of Development Research, 26(4), 2014
Institutions: Evolution, path dependency and anachronisms (co-edited with Antonio Savoia), Journal of Development Studies, 2016